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McKinney Vento Homelessness Act

The McKinney Vento Homelessness Act is a federal law passed to help families who are homeless keep their children in school.

Definition of homeless; The term “homeless children and youth” means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and can include the following situations:

  • Living with a friend, relative, or someone else because they lost their home
  • Staying in a motel or hotel
  • Living in an emergency or transitional shelter or domestic violence shelter
  • Staying in substandard housing
  • Living in a car, park or public place, abandoned building, or bus station
  • Living in a campground or an inadequate trailer home
  • Abandoned in a hospital
  • Living in a runaway or homeless youth shelter


Key Links:

North Carolina Homeless Education Program

NCHE Brief Document (Support of Education)

Key Contacts:

McKinney- Vento School Liaison:

Tanya Breslin
School Counselor
984.217.1724, [email protected]


State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, NC Department of Public Instruction

Lisa Phillips, MALS, M.Ed

336-315-7491, [email protected]