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Fundraising & Donations



All Volunteers Need a Background Check

PSPA deeply appreciates the impact volunteers have on our community and the help they provide in assuring a high-quality, supportive learning environment for our students.

All volunteers for the school must have a background check completed. There is a $21.95 cost for this, which is the responsibility of the volunteer. It must be renewed on a yearly basis, and once approved, is good for 365 days. Each family must complete 10 volunteer hours per academic year. Click here to complete the  “Volunteer” button background check.

When visiting Pine Springs Prep you must have your driver’s license on hand even if you have completed your background check OR skip the lines and leave your driver’s license at home by purchasing a volunteer key fob now! Purchasing a key fob will ensure a quick volunteer check in process during events, but one must still complete the background check. Again, even with a volunteer fob, ayearly background check is required.